


禅修可促进思绪的平和、安静和自在梦见玉碎了 。
因为思绪的放松断点吉他谱 ,以往打扰我们的事情都变得不是那么重要修士记 ,我们也不会像以前那么着紧魏焌皓 。
就是这样超新星闪光人 ,通过禅修洪荒道玄 ,思绪会逐步学懂不被外界的事情和环境所影响无限光环 。思绪不被外界的事情影响,便能达至稳定和安静飞跃长生。
稳定的思绪魔岛迷踪,不被打扰的思绪,会让我们在生活中感到少些痛苦婴儿厌食 小郑多彬 。这就是持续进行禅修会得到的即时利益墨西哥燕子洞 。~至尊第十四世红冠法王夏玛巴
The practice of meditation leads to a mind that is more peaceful无限茶几 , more tranquil and more at ease. Because the mind is more relaxed纪泽希 , events that usually disturb us seem to take on less importance and we stop taking them in such a serious way. Likewise德贾明哈 ,黄仁俊 through meditation the mind gradually learns to be independent of external conditions and circumstances.This mind that is unaffected by outer conditions is then able to discover its own stability and tranquility. A stable mind, one that is not disturbed, leads to the experience of less suffering in our lives. These are the immediate benefits that come from regular meditation practice.~The 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche (Shamarpa)

作者:admin | 分类:全部文章 | 浏览:142 2017 06 23  
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