



当五十及以下计值称为"咸丰重宝"13号怪异岛 ,高于当五十计值称为"咸丰元宝"宇智波班 ,以区别于小平钱"咸丰通宝"。咸丰重宝当十钱虽然是咸丰大钱中计值较低的品种,但是由于铸造时间早,流通区域广,所以也是自古以来古泉爱好者最关心并致力于收藏和欣赏的计值钱币。在诸多咸丰大钱之中,应当推举咸丰重宝当十钱币为最。铸期最长、数量最大、版式最多、流通最广绿茵妖王 ,无一不在咸丰大钱中占据首位易天雄 。龙一仪 自咸丰三年起,宝泉、源、直、蓟、济、德、陕、巩、福、苏、浙、河、武、宝昌、云、川、桂、黔、(宝安)迪、伊、阿克苏、喀什、叶儿羌、库车等钱局均先后铸造咸丰当十大钱,并投入市场与小平钱同时流通。除了宝安钱局仅见部颁样钱外,其它各个钱局均有大量不同版别,不同形式,甚至不同材质,不同大小的当十计值重宝。

咸丰重宝的铸造材料主要是****铜,也曾出现过铁钱等其它材质的钱币。另外还有一种用金、银、玳林佩芬 瑁、白铜等材料精制的宫廷钱币,形制较大,钱体也较厚,当属皇家喜庆用钱,这种钱币铸量非常少,质量极佳潘怡行,价格远非****铜、铁制钱能够所比。官版材质为以铜75%、锌20%、锡3%以及其他配合安部未华子 ,母钱含铜纯度更高。


Xianfeng zhongbao is a kind of copper coin, with a diameter of 36.4mm, edge thickness of 2.4mm, inner wear of 6.3mm, and weight of 14.9g(large or small). This kind of copper coin is very exquisite, the writing is clear and handsome, the copper material is fine, assumes the light red yellow, the money text is exquisite, does not have the slightest bit of muddy water, than the money which circulates in the same edition slightly some, heavy some.
When the value of 50 and below is called "xianfeng heavy treasure"张仲鲁, when the value of 50 above is called "xianfeng ingot treasure"金鹰英雄传, to distinguish from xiaoping qian "xianfeng tongbao". Although xianfeng zhongbao ten qia**** **** **** kind of coin of low value in xianfeng copper coin麻辣双娇 5 , it is also the coin of value

most concerned and devoted to collection and appreciation since ancient times due to its early casting and wide circulation area. Among a lot of xianfeng money, should be put forward xianfeng heavy treasure when ten COINS as the most. It has the longest casting period, the largest quantity, the largest format, and the widest circulation, all of which take the first place in xianfeng. Since the three years of xianfeng, baoquan, yuan, zhi, ji, DE, shan, gong田明健 , fu奥德加德 , su, zhejiang, he, wu初音未来的男朋友 , bao chang, yun, chuan, GUI, qian, (bao 'an) di, yi, aksu, kashi, ye erqiang, kuche and other money bureaus have been casting xianfeng ten big money, and put into the market at the same time with xiaoping money circulation. Except bao 'an money bureau only see the ministry of sample money, all other money bureaus have a large number of different formats, different forms五庄观副本 , even different materials, different sizes are worth the value of heavy treasure.

Xianfeng chunbao casting materials are mainly brass, and there have been other materials such as iron COINS. In addition, there is also a kind of royal coin refined from gold李琼久, silver, hawksbill, white copper and other materials. The coin has a larger shape and a thicker body, which belongs to royal festive money. The official edition is made of 75% copper, 20% zinc, 3% tin and other materials, and the mother money contains more copper purity.
Xianfeng chunbao has long been regarded as a priceless treasure by collectors. Regional regimes also issued money for relatively short periods of time, and the currency was valued for its narrow circulation.

作者:admin | 分类:全部文章 | 浏览:82 2018 02 25  
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