


Katie Wang:
毕业于哥伦比亚大学,经济学学士学位,哲学学士学位,VIA实习生,美银美林实习分析师,哥伦比亚大学Youth for Debate 教练,哥伦比亚大学Women's Business Society 委员会成员。
文:Katie Wang
Part Two
One of the best decisions I made in college was studying abroad spring semester of junior year. I chose to studyat Bocconi University in Milan, Italy because it offered many classes ineconomics and finance. During the weekdays刘小锋前妻 , I attended class and experienceddaily life in Milan: I shopped for groceries at local supermarkets, exploredart galleries and historic sites, and ate a lot of pizza. On the weekends, Itraveled across Italy and Europe, visiting places like Rome, Amsterdam, Barcelona修仙童养媳 ,叶竟生 and Brussels. I did not have the opportunity to travel much before studyingabroad月关作品集, so spending several months away from the comfort of my school sparked anew interest for traveling. Many of my friends in college did not study abroad,either because their required school course load required them to stay oncampus, or because they felt that being in New York City already offered themmuch to explore. I suppose if someone comes to college as an internationalstudent文伽昊 , studying at one’s own college is already like studying abroad.

我在大学期间做得最正确的决定之一是选择在大三的春季去意大利米兰的博科尼大学交流学习,该校提供许多经济和金融课程。平日,我参与米兰的课堂和日常生活:我在当地的超级市场购买杂货,探索艺术画廊和历史遗迹,还品尝了很多比萨。周末,我穿越意大利和欧洲,大展宏图图片 参观了罗马,阿姆斯特丹,巴塞罗那和布鲁塞尔等地大清弊主。在出国留学之前我没有太多机会旅行,所以花几个月的时间远离学校的舒适,勾起了我对旅游的兴趣。我的许多大学朋友没有出国留学,要么是因为他们所需的学校课程要求他们留在校园,要么因为他们觉得在纽约已经提供了很多可以探索的东西。我想如果有人作为国际学生上大学,那在自己的大学学习就已经算是出国留学了。

Besides academics, one aspect of college thatshould not be overlooked is the social life. My personal preference was toattend a college that has a student body from all over the world; I wanted tobe surrounded by people who had different backgrounds and life experiences sothat I could expand my perspective and be exposed to diverse opinions. Thefriends I have made at Columbia come from places like Germany一杆禽兽狙 , Ukraine, Taiwan,and Turkey, in addition to the United States. Perhaps smaller, less urbancolleges might have less of an international slant, but some students mayprefer that kind of social environment instead. Extracurricular activities canalso have a big impact on a college experience. I was involved with the schoolnewspaper and entrepreneurship club for one semester, and was also part of alocal high school teaching program and the women’s business club. Joining clubsis a good way of making friends and meeting new people. Most colleges anduniversities offer the chance to join many student organizations includingpolitical groups, Greek life (social groups like sororities and fraternities),student publications, and cultural groups.

除了学术方面,大学不应该忽视的另一个方面是社会生活。我个人的喜好是选择一所拥有来自世界各地学生的大学;我想被拥有不同背景和生活经验的人包围e舟团购网 ,以便拓宽我的视野,接受不同的观点李麒耀。我在哥伦比亚大学的朋友除了来自美国,还有来自德国,乌克兰,台湾黄志玮身高 ,土耳其等地的。也许较小的城市学院的国际倾向较少,但有些学生可能更喜欢那种社会环境。课外活动也对大学经历有着重大影响。我参加了一个学期的学校报业和创业俱乐部就是要香恋,也是当地高中教学计划和妇女商业俱乐部的成员。加入俱乐部是结交新朋友和认识新朋友的好方法。大多数高等院校都有提供加入各类学生组织的机会,包括政治团体,联谊会(社团,如姐妹会,兄弟会),学生出版社和文化团体。

A large part of my social life wasventuring off campus to the greater city. I enjoyed visiting famous museumslike the Museum of Modern Art, trying different ethnic cuisine, and walkingaround many unique neighborhoods that only a place like New York can have. NYCwas a big reason why I decided to come to Columbia and it remained a large partof my undergraduate career. For example, one of my professors’ assignmentrequired me to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art and write about a Romanstatue there. Opportunities like these are why I really love the city and why Idecided to intern in New York for the past three summers, as well as why I willcontinue to live there after college.


以上是继昨天Katie在哥伦比亚大学经历分享的第二部分木原数多。美国大学所提供的学术氛围和人性化的选择给予了学生塑造自我和认识自身的机会张薰元 ,只要勇于尝试,接受挑战并持之以恒就能得到丰厚的果实。
如果想近距离和这位哥伦比亚的学姐了解关于在美国学习,生活,实习的信息,那你一定不能错过这场招生说明会周锦堂 。
2017年6月10日 - 14:00 - 16:30

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